The Energy test
The Energy Test is a comprehensive assessment of well-being and stamina that provides information about your health, body performance, and, consequently, your overall energy levels. The fitness classifications used in the test and the calculation model for the Energy Index are based on extensive international scientific research.
The Energy Test consists of three components: well-being questions, body measurements, and light fitness assessments. It is easy to participate in the Energy Test, regardless of your fitness level.
Results are available immediately after the test. In addition to individual results, the test provides your own Energy Index, which indicates in hours and minutes how long you can work, engage in hobbies, or enjoy leisure time.
The results are easy to interpret; the more green, the better. Areas for improvement, which can enhance well-being and stamina, are shown in gray. Below is an example of test results and the Energy Index.
The measurements and physical tests conducted during the Energy Test include:
- Aerobic endurance measured with a Polar heart rate monitor
- Waist circumference
- Height, weight
- Balance
- Flexibility
- Upper body strength
- Squat test
- Core strength
- Blood pressure
By regularly taking the Energy Test, you can quickly track progress, and the results are directly comparable over time.
Book your Energy Test appointment here.